

  • Neuropsychological Evaluations (Ages 2 to 21)

  • Dyslexia Evaluations

  • Early Kindergarten Entry Evaluations

  • Independent Educational Evaluations (IEE)

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder Evaluations

  • Gifted Eligibility Evaluations

  • ADHD Evaluations

Neuropsychological Evaluations

A neuropsychological evaluation is a very comprehensive assessment of a child or adolescent's neuropsychological functioning performed by a licensed psychologist who completes a formal 2 year post-doctoral training program in neuropsychology and neuropsychological assessment.  Neuropsychological testing includes direct measures of an individual's attention, memory, language, motor skills, problem solving and reasoning, visual-spatial abilities, intellectual functioning, academic achievement, executive functioning, and behavioral and emotional functioning. 


A neuropsychological assessment identifies a child's or adolescent's pattern of strengths and weaknesses, yields diagnoses (if warranted), assists schools in establishing IDEA (special education) eligibility, and assists in identifying appropriate interventions including educational interventions and accomodations.


Neuropsychological testing typically involves assessment of the following areas:

  • Attention and Concentration
  • Verbal, Visual, and Working Memory
  • Reasoning and Problem Solving
  • Language
  • Visual-Spatial Abilities
  • Fine Motor Skills
  • Executive Functioning (planning & organization)
  • Academic Achievement (reading, math, written expression)
  • Intellectual Functioning
  • Processing Speed
  • Mood & Personaility
  • Behavioral Functioning


* Dr. Norton conducts each evaluation himself and does not use a 

   diagnostician for testing.


Dyslexia Evaluations


Dr. Norton provides evaluations of dyslexia to identify the specific dyslexia subtype (Dysphonetic Dyslexia, Surface Dyslexia, Mixed Dyslexia, or Reading Comprehension Impairment) and associated treatment.


Early Kindergarten Entry & Gifted Eligibility Evaluations


Dr. Norton provides early kindergarten entry evaluations.  The completed report is e-mailed and a signed copy mailed to the parents the same day as the evaluation.  Dr. Norton provides gifted eligibilty evaluations with the report also e-mailed and mailed to parents the same day as the evaluation.


Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE)


As a former school psychologist with 20 years experience in both urban and rural schools, Dr. Norton has the experience and knowledge needed to provide Independent Educational Evaluations (IEE) when parents and school district disagree regarding a student's eligibility for special educationand related services.


Where to Find Us


Dr. Lawrence Norton

Pediatric Neuropsychologist


Denali Tower North

2550 Denali Street

Suite 1606

Anchorage, AK  99503


The Wellness Center

491 North Knik Street

Wasilla, AK  99654


Phone: 907-334-9842

Fax: 907-334-9843
